We’re uncovering the lesser-known tech companies that are quietly revolutionizing the game

Fintech companies are reinventing various aspects of the financial services industry, from payment processing and lending to digital banking and wealth management — we’re seizing the opportunity and backing their efforts.

Our deep understanding of the complex, arcane, and highly regulated financial services industry provides a competitive advantage to finding the innovators who can create significant value for banks and other financial services businesses.

We’re uncovering the lesser-known tech companies that are quietly revolutionizing the game

We See Endless Possibilities

We believe the real investment opportunity in fintech is on the business-to-business (B2B) side, investing in the lesser-known companies servicing the banks and businesses we know intimately.

Investing Beyond Financial Institutions

We’re also investing in verticals beyond banking, including InsurTech, PropTech, and Blockchain. By extending our reach, we stay at the forefront of emerging technologies and disruptive ideas, driving innovation across multiple industries.